Marco Angelilli
Simone Valsecchi
stage manager
Stefano Carusio
director�s assistant
Elisa Menchicchi
Stefano Ricci
Anna Gualdo
Andrea Pizzalis
Giuseppe Sartori
Fabio Gomiero
ricci/forte production feat. garofano verde festival
We do not know what truth is� the most important thing is that ambiguity is clear. In an age of pre-cooked passions and fashioned feelings we gorge ourselves with Dennis Cooper stories and the rough poetry that fills up his universe. With a Mozart-ish impudence we tell a cruel fairy-tale about adolescence. Our work is interwoven with the themes which are central to Cooper�s lysergic vision - life preservation based around uneasiness, inadequacy and loss. The overnight waiting of four devourers of Haagen Dasz ice-cream (macadamia nut brittle, as in the title), sitting in a hospital, on an airplane or in a tree house, who have the choice to discover themselves as they are - or to reinvent themselves and run the risk of losing control. We are victims, executioners, protagonists in this snuff movie that life offers, in desperate search of love in an impossible world where, at the end of the day, Nature, like men, is a bitch and unfaithful. Always.