marco angelilli
director�s assistant
Barbara Caridi, Liliana Laera
Stefano Ricci
Andrea Pizzalis
Fabio Gomiero
Giuseppe Sartori
Alfonso Arciero
Francesco Boni
Barbara Caridi
Claudia Salvatore
Francesco Bressan
Desiree Giorgetti
Francesco Angelo Ogliari
Liliana Laera
Manuel Attardi
Matteo Barb�
Simon Waldvogel
Valentina Rho
Valerio Sirna
ricci/forte production feat. Centrale Fies
Looking for a jerk in the present time and the unforeseeable human delirium when facing the senseless History. a reign of mediocrity, of self-mutilating rebellion, of ethical degeneration: a mapping of the ordinary schizofrenia we all got used to. a dickensian restitution in his social parable, turned livid by the lights of a post-industrial age now to his knees. without clich�, because the limits of each of us are never a caricature when observed by a collapsing heart. an immersion 20.000 leagues under the whitening polish, behind artificial ecstasy where the search for identity has the same expressive spurt as a pay-tv talk show in the emirats; where the accepted dress code is paramorphism. 25 real, concrete, sweated, digested, perceptive and ill bred minutes in their soppy hyperbole. 25 minutes chrome. like the days we wish will come.